Watercolour Dot Cards and how to use them

Watercolour painting is a beautiful versatile medium and watercolours can come in many shapes and formates. The most popular is the dry format that comes in a little container, which is known as half or full pan amongst the artists. Watercolours can also come in liquid format in tubes. 

However, watercolours, their shades and their consistency can be very personal and what you like will be dependent on your own artistic experience. Therefore, watercolour dot cards can be sufficient to tell you all that you need to know about certain colours or sets. They are also the most affordable way to try new colours. 

A lot of watercolour brands usually offer dot cards to allow you this opportunity and we at Bristle and Brush are one of the brands that do so. Dot cards are actually one of the most popular items that always sell out at London markets. We also love adding a dot or two with almost every order that we send out to introduce you to different paints. 

watercolour dot cards

How do I use a dot card? 

In a practical sense, watercolour dots are mini squeeze of paint that dried on paper, so you can either use the dot straight from the paper, but the paper will wear off over time. Alternatively, you can remove the dot from the paper and transfer it to a little container. Seashells are wonderful for this or you can add them to a ceramic palette or a small plate that you have in your home or studio! 

When you want to use a particular colour, just add few drops of water on the dot and mix it well. 

Using dot cards

The great thing about watercolour is that it lasts for a while especially if you paint it as a wash or a diluted layer. You can also control the colour with the amount of water you add into it. 

After use, let the paint dries on the plate and then you can use it again. 

How long would the dots last? 

It is really hard to know the answer to this because it depends on how much you actually use it and how opaque or diluted you use the dot. You will have enough to test the colour and make few swatches and maybe a few A7 drawings!

When is Bristle and Brush releasing more dot cards? 

Dot cards sell out super fast, but the newsletter is the first place we announce their availability, so join the monthly newsletter to be notified when they are ready! 


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